Minu Tallinn. Kunstifotogiid.
Autor külastas Tallinna esimest korda 1990ndatel aastatel. Linn mõjus talle sedavõrd, et ta jättis sinna osa oma südamest. Ta tunneb, et see pisike osa temast, mis end selle linnaga sidunud, täitus algupärase vaimu, värskuse ja puhtusega, ning aastaid hiljem muundus nendeks fotodeks ja poeetilisteks kujutisteks, mida saate näha selle raamatu lehekülgedel.
"It was in the distant nineties when I came to Tallinn for the first time. It was a rainy autumn; the air was filled with Vanna Tallinn’s smell of almonds and a delicious aroma of some unknown pastry. Flaming tiled roofs gave the impression that you had just stepped into a fairy tale, and I wandered around the streets of the Old Town as if they were pages of the most mysterious and magical book containing big and colourful pictures. A guide twittered about the uniqueness of each backstreet, and his stories sprang to life in our minds and hearts like spring flowers under the first warm rays of sunlight.."/ S.Batalina /